Claims Testing

Claims Testing

Claims Testing

The shelves are full. All brands and products send out countless messages. But which ones reach consumers? Which ones make the products end up in the shopping basket? Claims only have a few seconds to convince consumers and encourage them to reach for the shelf. It is therefore essential for companies to understand which messages motivate consumers to buy. "What is the most important thing we need to tell consumers about our product to get them to buy it?" is therefore the key question we are often asked by customers.

With the help of the Claim Selector, we identify the claims with the greatest persuasive potential. To do this, we measure the ability of each individual statement to generate buying interest. We also determine credibility and brand fit in order to find the right message for the respective brand. With MaxDiff, we use a method that allows us to test a large number of messages at the same time and also enables a clear differentiation between the claims. The reasons for buying or not buying, i.e. for the success or failure of the messages, are also explored qualitatively. Open questions and implicit methods reveal how the claims are understood. Segmentation analyses also provide information about different target groups and the need to adapt the communication strategy accordingly.

The output of our claim studies provides clear insights into which messages work, which consumers respond best to them, and why. We then use the qualitative feedback to optimise and further develop the brand and product messages for specific target groups. The result is a recommendation as to which claims have the greatest potential to convince the target group(s) to buy the product.

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