Dubai Schokolade in aller Munde? Wie stehen die deutschen Verbraucher dazu?
Die Dubai-Schokolade ist “in aller Munde“ und aktuell nahezu allgegenwärtig. Was ist dran am Trend, wie stehen die deutschen Verbraucher dazu?
Die Dubai-Schokolade ist “in aller Munde“ und aktuell nahezu allgegenwärtig. Was ist dran am Trend, wie stehen die deutschen Verbraucher dazu?
Instead of gifts, we once again donated to charitable campaigns and initiatives in 2024
New colleagues at Opinion!
Can a 6-year-old already answer a questionnaire without the help of her parents? How should the children be addressed?
Although many of our team members are globetrotters who feel at home anywhere in the world, when it comes to international market research in the far-flung corners of the globe, we like to consult local colleagues who know the markets inside out.
Qualitative and quantitative market research - cleverly combined
"Good coffee is like good music - both touch the soul", the German musician Roger Cicero
Ensure product quality through benchmarking and recognise long-term trends!
Online communities as a supplement to the classic product survey
Sometimes results are required urgently - the sooner the better ...
Deeper insights through questioning and video recordings
A manufacturer of building products wanted to improve its brand image...